Sunday, February 10, 2013


So I think it is amazing to watch babies play. They are so amazed by simple things. My son has a "house " full of toys yet he will play with a cardboard box. How does that happen? Instead of actually getting in his John Deere gator he would rather push it and open and close the doors. The best gift I have ever received. (Naturally speaking) Is everyone else as Amazed as I am?

New to bloggers world

Ok so hello to all. My name is Jacklyn and I am a first time mommy and of course married to the love of my life! I have a currently 10 month old son and have been married for almost 6 years. It has been a crazy yet wonderful ride so far. Just want to talk about normal everyday housewife-y motherly type things. Please bear with me while O get the hang of this all.